Höchste Qualitätsstandards und maximale Rohmaterialeffizienz


Our packagings are part of a climate-neutral and resource-conserving circular economy.
For this, we have worked hard with our partners along the entire value chain and are proud to be able to present a solution with Maag I Pro-tect that closes the cycle.

Our recyclable product concept:

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News from our blog

In our blog, we inform you on a regular basis, not only about general issues, such as recyclability or ecodesign, but rather, also highlight current trends.
Read along on a regular basis and take part in our discussion. Share our posts or comment on them. We are happy about new information, further aspects and a lively exchange, so that our packaging will become even more sustainable and viable!

coming soon!

Unsere Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Die Agenda 2030 mit den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung sind Leitbild unserer Unternehmensführung und münden in einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, welche die Dimensionen Ökonomie, Ökologie und Sozial-gerechte Verantwortung gleichberechtigt verknüpft und berücksichtigt!
Erfahren Sie mehr!

Latest news

++ Top-Bewertung im BRCGS Audit erzielt ++

Wir freuen uns bekannt zu geben, dass wir beim letzten BRCGS-Audit die höchste Bewertung AA+ erhalten haben!

Diese Auszeichnung bestätigt unser Engagement für höchste Standards in Lebensmittelsicherheit, Qualität und Betriebsabläufen.
Ein großes Dankeschön an unser gesamtes Team! 🏆🌟

#BRCGS #Lebensmittelsicherheit #Qualität

Climate neutrality already today

For us, environmental protection and resource conservation is more than just a slogan!

We have been consistently recording our CO2 emissions since 2021 and have offset our irreducible CO2 emissions in 2021 and 2022 through targeted environmental protection projects. Our current focus is on further measures to reduce emissions.


For comprehensive information on our sustainability strategy and the measures we have taken, please refer to our current Sustainability Report 2023


We supply our clients with customised, recyclable packaging at the right time, in the right quantity and sequence.
With our Just-in-Sequence delivery, we enable maximum efficiency, flexibility and cost savings.

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Tracing and transparency

Transparency and traceability are of immense importance in a globalised world with complex, multilevel supply chains. We guarantee 100% traceability and transparency in every production stage. Our standards along the value chain enable maximum efficiency for you and help to noticeably reduce costs.


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Our core markets

The protection of your products in conjunction with efficient production systems and resource conservation take centre stage for us.
In order to ensure this in an optimal manner, we concentrate on the following markets.


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Fresh Cut Fresh Cut
Meat Products Meat Products
Sweet and Snacks Sweet and Snacks
Baked Goods Baked Goods
Consumer Articles / Non-Food Consumer Articles / Non-Food
Dairy Dairy